Electric Kilns - Manuel Turn ups

Sm Manual Kiln - TORNOW C/6

Make sure there is a cone in the Kiln Sitter. Write down start time to calculate price.

LOW    1 ½ hours
Turn up to Medium.

MEDIUM   1 ½ hours
Turn up to HIGH.

Reset kiln sitter timer. Write down time.
After kiln sitter has shut off, write down amount of time left on the kiln sitter to calculate the final firing length.

Average firing length:

Sm Manual Kiln - TORNOW C/06

Make sure there is a cone in the Kiln Sitter. Write down start time to calculate price.

4-6 hours for leather
2-3 hours for Bone Dry
Turn up to Medium.

MEDIUM   2 hours
Turn up to HIGH.

Reset kiln sitter timer. Write down time. After kiln sitter has shut off, write down amount of time left on the kiln sitter to calculate the final firing length.

Average firing length: